
  1. KinectToPin
    Record, stream, and export Kinect mocap to After Effects and many other formats.
  2. AEwriter
    Write After Effects keyframe data from Processing. Outputs a JSX script that generates nulls and keyframes in AE.
  3. Drawgrid
    Use any image as a map for particles, and decide individual particles' behavior.
  4. FaceToPin
    Generate AfterEffects keyframes using FaceOSC.
  5. Kinect_justrecord
    Utility for recording image file of depth map to disk.
  6. VoxelPaint
    Draw voxels in a volume, export as a pointcloud or as scripts for Maya and After Effects.
  7. Lib-Ray
    Implementation of the Lib-Ray spec for open HTML5-based HD video collections.
  8. DrawVertices
    Generate AE project from an OBJ file.
  9. SpriteDemo
    Simplify using sprites in Processing.
  10. Pointcloud_Render
    Utility for converting a grayscale depth map to a point cloud or rendered image.
  11. PuppetOsc
    Puppet experiments driven by OSCeleton-format Kinect skeletons.
  12. DragonDouble
    Project frame-by-frame over stop-motion animation.
  13. LeapToOsc
    Output OSC from the Leap Motion controller.